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Is Bathtub Reglazing Right For You?
Are you getting ready to remodel your bathroom or would you like to in the future? Perhaps your budget is not as large as you would like and you are worried about what you will be able to accomplish with limited funds. Bathtub reglazing may be the answer.
For more than five decades, it has been possible to restore bathtubs to their former glory with a re-glazing process. However, even though this process has been around for such a long time, most homeowners are not aware that it is a possibility.
It is not only bathtubs that benefit from re-glazing. Sinks, arborite counter-tops and ceramic tile are some of the other options that can be restored. When the process is completed correctly, the results are amazing. If you were looking at two bathtubs, one new and one that had undergone the re-glazing process, it would be very difficult to figure out which one was which.
Even though bathtub reglazing has been around for such a long time, advances in technology have really made a difference in this process recently. The results last longer, look better and are not harsh on the environment.

Bathtub Reglazing
Technology seems to be changing everything these days and coatings are no different. Typically either an acrylic or urethane based coating will be applied with special application equipment.
Sell Clawfoot Bathtub
Cast Iron Clawfoot Tubs feel better and stronger, last generations longer and maintain heat better |providing longer soaking times If you plan to mount additional hardware like a Clawfoot Tub Shower directly to your Tub, you may need to go to Cast Iron in order to support the extra weight of these fixtures.
Lynne Gear
I cannot thank Peter at Special-T Bathtub Restoration enough…for restoring my tub back to a beautiful and clean tub!! My tub looks BRAND new <3 it’s so shiny and wonderful , beyond my expectations, totally! Peters’ attention to even the smallest of details when it came to reapplying the caulking made a huge difference and made his restoration shine all the more. Peter himself is easy going, friendly and a joy to have in our home …he came in did his job, kept a mess to a minimum and made my day :)Wouldn’t think twice about referring Peter/Special-T Bathtub Restoration to anyone….at any time!Cheers and thank you so much!
Cassandra Stuppiello
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Save up tp 75% of the expense of replacing your old fixtures. Special-T = Special products for people who want special results.